
Aunt Julie - Webcam Female exhibitionist

Successful young man relocates, visits his aunt and learns she has an interesting new career.
Aunt Julie

James was feeling great about himself. He had progressed steadily up the company ladder since getting hired straight out of college. Now that he was 29, he was given a big promotion that included relocating to Orlando, Florida. But to make this kind of progress he had to become a workaholic. Putting in 60 to 75 hours a week was typical. His sex life consisted of long hot showers and Internet porn coupled with masturbation. Dating just did not work due to the massive office hours.

In the transition, James would have about 10 days of time to get settled in Orlando. This was his first time off in five years. He had never even visited Orlando, but did have an aunt that lived in the area that he had not seen since high school. Aunt Julie was younger than his mother and also somewhat of a black sheep. She was very attractive and very popular. Aunt Julie was what his mother called a ‘party girl’. She could get any man she wanted, but had no intention of keeping any of them. Even by the time he graduated high school, James had met a couple dozen of Aunt Julie’s boyfriends. Currently, Julie had been married twice and divorced twice.

James, was given two weeks off to make his transition into the new job and new location. He has going to purchase a house and was looking forward to moving in and getting settled. During this free time away from work, James decided to stop by his aunt’s home for a visit. He contacted Aunt Julie and she told him to stop the next day. She was excited to visit with someone from her family again. The family had drifted apart over the last several years.

James arrived at her home mid morning the following day. Aunt Julie gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. She was very impressive for 45 years old. She had a beautiful face with an incredibly sexy shape. He felt an embarrassing twinge of attraction looking at her. They sat in the kitchen drinking coffee and talking about the directions their lives had taken. James bragged about his success and the new job. He noticed how Julie seemed to be rather quiet about the subject of her work. She told him to quit calling her, “Aunt Julie” and just call her “Julie”. After talking for nearly two hours they decided to go to lunch.

Julie took him to her favorite restaurant where they dined on seafood and rum cocktails. After a couple of drinks he pressed Julie further about what she was doing for a living. At that point and she began to talk, but made him promise not to tell anyone. James became very curious and agree. Julie began to explain that she had a webcam business that she operated from her guest bedroom.

James foolishly asked what she did on the webcam that would make her money.

“What do you think females with webcams do in their bedrooms to make money?” She asked with a laugh.

“Oh crap!” James exclaimed in embarrassment. “I just didn’t think of you doing that. How did that get started?”

“Well that’s a long story, but I’ll boil it down.” Julie said. “I got the idea from this guy, Jack, I met that traveled a lot. He’d FaceTime with me and we’d have virtual sex.”

“Yes,” James replied. “I can see that happening.”

“Jack often said that men would pay to see me.” Julie said. “Then a couple of months later I found out that he’d often have friends over to watch me perform sex acts on FaceTime. I thought this was private.”

“How did you find out?” James asked.

“I was in a bar one night.” Julie explained. “It was a place Jack and I often visited together and one of his friends came up to me and asked if I was Jack’s webcam girl.”

“You are so hot. How much do you charge?” He asked. “Or would you like to go to my place and you can show me?“

“Wow!” James said. “That had to be a shock.”

“Yup.” Julie answered. “But oddly I found it interesting too. So I took his phone number and said I’d get back to him. Then I looked into getting a webcam site. And that’s how it started.”

The titillating story had James aroused and curious to know more. James gazed at Aunt Julie’s pretty face and the sexy cleavage exposed by her low cut sun dress.

“So what do you do for these guys?” He asked innocently.

”Well,” She said. “I do the same things that I do for myself. We all masturbate. I just found a way to make money doing it in front of random men on my webcam. It doesn’t take much time to pay the bills.”

The conversation continued for about an hour. More rum cocktails were consumed, loosening their tongues even further.

“So what are some of the things that men ask you to do?” James questioned. “Anything you don’t or won’t do.”

“Most like looking at my big breasts while I finger myself. Some want me to use toys. I have several vibrators and dildos in different sizes. Sometimes I use my Hitachi magic wand.” Julie continued. “A lot of guys want to see me stick a dildo in my ass too, but I haven’t yet. But the money is tempting. The more kinky, the more it pays. But a lot of things that used to be kinky are considered normal these days.”

“So it is really just masturbation voyeurs who pay to watch.” James said. “Not bad Julie. Anything else you get asked to do? There must be some weird shit.”

“Once I was asked to have sex with a dog. That’s weird. One guy had me for a bachelor party - I did a cam-show as a warm-up. Lots of horny guys cheering me on.” Julie continued. “A lot of customers want to see real sex and cum shots. I haven’t done that yet either. I’m limiting myself to what I have in my bedroom. You know, stuff I can do by myself.”

“So how much money can you make showing off for a webcam?” James asked.

“I make between 50 and $100 an hour and sometimes more. And it leaves me very satisfied.” She said with a laugh. “In fact, I don’t want to get into another relationship anyway. This way I can have my cake and eat it too.”

“But no one gets to eat your cake.” James said laughing. They both laughed together. “I’m in that same mode myself lately.”

“It has its advantages.” She said with a smile.

“How long do you do this each day?” James asked.

“Well James,” Julie continued. “As much as I love sex, it’s hard to do all day, so my limit is about two hours. I should say that I only enjoy it for a couple of hours, then its just business. So, sometimes I do more if I need the money. I like to stay aroused. It’s more fun that way. But, acting out parts and faking orgasms is part of the job too.”

“So you have real orgasms too.” James asked urgently.

“Oh yes.” Julie laughed. “Or should I say yes, yes, yes! I get something out of it besides money. It keeps me going back for more.”

“Seven days a week?” James asked. “Sounds like my schedule.”

“Yes, sometimes the weekends are full of requests.” Julie’s replied. “I try to keep a few regulars happy. Very happy. When you get better clients, repeat business makes more money.”

“Nice,” James responded.

“Well James,” Julie said. “There is one other thing. I occasionally do. I’ve done videos.”

“What kind of videos.” James asked dogmatically.

“James, I’m beginning to wonder about you.” Julie responded with a laugh. “I do some porno. I’m no porn star, but I do short videos. I play a MILF or a step-mom, or do a mom and son thing. Of course it’s not really any of that. It’s just acting and not much acting either.”

“Wow Julie.” James exclaimed. “How do you like that?”

“It’s OK, but I’ve just done one so far. One session that made a few videos. Some of the guys they pair me up with seem awfully young, but they’re all over 18 and ready for anything.” Julie explained.

“So, you enjoy it?” James said.

“I did enjoy myself once I got there.” Julie replied. “No strings attached is a good thing for me. Like I said, I did short, ten minute videos. Like a quickie blowjob and cum-shot. Then a new video with tittie-sex. They cum on my tits, we get cleaned up, and off to the next one. I have to switch guys a lot. Then we change scenes and scenarios again. I did that for about two hours. They make a lot of short videos to get more views on their website. That’s what they tell me.”

“I’ve seen videos like that.” James said. “Not yours, but I like them. They get to the point fast. It’s what I like.”

“Yup!” Julie said. “I made seven guys cum in a couple of hours. Funny, but I was feeling rather proud of that.”

“I’d be bragging if I made seven women cum in two hours – or even in a week.” James laughed. “Are you going to do more? How much does that pay?”

“Just the one video session so far. I got paid $1300 for the 5 videos I did. In two of the videos I was double-teamed. Now that I said that, it was less than 200 per guy. I can make more money if I do things like swallow cum. So I was paid $150 per video, $250 for a double team, and $50 extra for each swallowing scene.” Julie explained. “I like doing that.”

“I’d be worried that doing porn might have a negative impact at some point.” James said.

“For sure.” Julie replied. “That’s why I don’t want to over-do it. Too much and you stop having a good time. The web cam business is steady. The porn is offered to me on a take it or leave it basis.”

“It’s amazing that you can do sex on demand.” James replied.

“it’s not that amazing.” Julie said. “It’s pretty much what everybody is going when they’re dating. The sexual part of the date usually boils down to only a few minutes. That’s what I do in the videos or webcam. It’s all the other stuff about a date that takes so long.”

“You’re right about that too!” James replied. “I guess, in porn, you just have to get the job done.”

“Fast and furious is the name of the game. I find it satisfying. I get to have sex with young men.” Julie explained. “These guys are all picked by the size of their members. And they are very proud of their size. You’ve got to be careful around these guys. They are so eager to preform.”

“So you think this is going to be what you do in the future?” James asked.

“I don’t think I want to pursue pornos,” Julie said. “One thing that helps, I like being watched. Being around all these young guys and their huge cocks is both a turn-on and scary.”

“What are they like?” James asked. “Do they seem like normal guys or what?”

“Both normal and kinky.” Julie replied. “One was talking to me before our scene, we were both naked, and said that I reminded him of his mom. I was curious.”

“Awe. You remind him of his mom. That’s so sweet.” James laughed. “He must have been breast fed.”

“He also suggested that I trim my bush or shave it all off.” Julie explained. “Then I sarcastically said, ‘but then I wouldn’t remind you of your mother any more’.”

“That must have made him laugh.” James said.

“Well, that’s when it got rather kinky.” Julie said. “He said that his mother, ‘shaves hers’, and that he thought that was really hot.”

“So he has seen his mother naked. Or is there more to the story?” James asked. “What did you say?”

“I asked how he knew she shaved her private parts.” Julie said. “He said that they, ‘help shave each other’s parts’.”

“Wow.” James said. “That raises a few questions.”

“Yes, and I had to ask those questions.” Julie explained. “I asked him if he liked doing the shaving and he said that his mom, ‘likes oral better without hair in the way’.”

“You had to ask.” James said.

“Yup. I asked who it was better for.” Julie continued. “And he said, ‘Both. We even check each other to make sure’.”

“And?” James followed.

“I asked how they checked each other.” Julie explained. “And he said, “we lick each other’.”

“I guess I thought this was heading this way.” James said. “And then what?”

“What was funny was that he seemed to think this was normal.” Julie continued. “Then I asked if the licking ever lead to having sex, and he answered, ‘No. We don’t call it that. We are just checking to see if we got all the hair’.”

“Semantics.” James said laughing. “It’s just an inspection process. Quality control.”

“Exactly what I said.” Julie laughed. “So I asked how the inspection worked, and he said, ‘first I check her pussy with my tongue, and then she checks my cock with her’s, then I put my cock in her pussy so we can double check each other’.”

“How else would you know?” James continued laughing. “You have to be sure.”

“That’s when the director had us start our video.” Julie said. “And after I checked and checked, I confirmed that he was indeed smooth and huge. Mom did a good job with her boy.”

“It’s good to know that these guys have a solid home-life.” James said. “So, you are not going to pursue a porn career?”

“Probably not,” Julie replied, “I liked it, but it’s risky. You never know who’s going to be there or what might happen. At home, on my webcam, I don’t have to worry.”

They ended up taking a cab home. Back at Julie’s house, she checked her messages. Aunt Julie said she was going to have to cover her webcam for a while or lose a good customer. James told her this was fine and turned on the TV. Julie went to her guest room to get on the webcam. Curiously, James went to her door and listened for a while and could tell she was having fun. Julie came back to the living room 10 minutes later wrapped in a bathrobe. She told James that she masturbated for her customer.

“He wanted more,” Julie said. “He really likes my style. But he wants to see someone cum on me. Can’t do that with a dildo, but it be a great invention.”

“Guys love the money shot,” James replied.

“They sure do.” Julie said. “I get so many requests. I told him that there was no one around, other than my nephew.”

James laughed. “That must have ended the session.”

“Not exactly.” Julie continued. “He said, and I quote, ‘That’s even better’, and begged me to get you to join me.”

“That is wild!” James replied. “Sorry that you lost a customer.”

“Well, James,” Julie said. “He’s still on-line waiting.”

“Great!” James said. “Thank goodness you didn’t lose him.”

“I’ll have to miss out on the big tip he promised. Hmmm, what should I do?” Julie said. “He wanted me to ask you. You wouldn’t want to help, or would you?“

The reality of what she was saying crashed down on James. He eyed her shapely legs, her cleavage, her full lips, and felt aroused by his aunt once again. His cock swelled.

“I can see why he’d get off on you,” James added, “But I don’t want my face on the internet.”

“I have a mask you can wear.” Julie replied. “No one will ever know.”

James was frozen. He wasn’t sure what to do, but the sexual attraction was real.

“Would this help?” Julie asked and dropped the robe to the floor. “Could these double D’s persuade you?”

James now stared at his aunt’s tits, then down to her shaved cunt. His body twinged as he eyed her tantalizing slit, her protruding pussy lips, and her swollen clit.

James nodded slowly. “What do I do? How do we start?”

“First get undressed. Take off your shirt.” Julie said as she approached him. “I’ll get your pants.”

Julie undid the front clasp, unzipped his pants and tugged them down along with his boxers. He cock sprang out and up, stiff and hard, looking very impressive in front of his slight frame. James instinctively felt her big tits and Julie smiled.

“You’ll do just fine.” She said. “Now get everything else off and I’ll get your mask. We should hurry.”

James thought the mask looked like some a bondage thing he’d seen in a SMBD video. It was leather-like, with eye and mouth openings and a zipper in the back. Julie put it on James and led him to the bedroom.

“Now this is what will happen,” Julie explained outside the door. “Remember that we are acting this out for my customer, so follow my lead and do what you are told. Answer questions with short phrases.”

“Like what?” James asked nervously. “How’s this going to work?”

“I’ll say something like, ‘How’s my favorite nephew? Can auntie help you with that?’ Or something like that. Then stroke your cock a little and feel me up. Whatever you like. Just relax and follow my lead. Eventually I’ll give you a handjob, I’ll point your cock at my boobs and when you are close, you can cum on me. It will only take a few minutes. Basically, it’s just masturbation.”

Aunt Julie lead James into the room using his cock like a leash. In front of the webcam, she stroked James’ cock as she spoke softly to him.

“You like my hands, don’t you?” Julie asked and James nodded. “Feel auntie’s breasts. Mmmmmm. That’s good honey. You like my nipples?”

“Yes,” James answered. “They are so long.”

“Well, Mmmmmmm,” Julie replied. “You make auntie’s nipples hard. They like being sucked.”

“Suck those big tits!” Yelled the client. “Suck those nipples.”

Julie led James on to the bed there the faced each other on their knees. James lowered his head and took a nipple into his mouth. Enjoying the attention, Julie kept a firm grip on his hard cock, slowly masturbating James. Julie moaned loudly.

“Rub your cock on my nipples.” Julie instructed. “I want to feel your nice cock on my tits.”

James lifted his head as Julie let her big tits lower to his cock. Together they rubbed the mushroomed cock-head over her nipples. Aunt Julie drooled onto the tip, making it wet and slippery.

“Put your cock between those tits!” The client cheered. “Tittie-fuck your aunt. Fuck those tits.”

Julie pusher her big tits together around James’ cock. James instinctively pumped his erection between her full tits.

“That’s it!” Julie’s customer yelled. “Fuck your aunt’s tits. Cum on those big titties!”

James push harder. Julie watched as his cock thrust up and down between her tits. The tip of James cock was inches from her mouth. She drooled. The cock-head was swollen tight. The shiny surface looked inviting to Julie. She lustfully licked at his cock as it pushed up between her tits.

“Suck that cock!” Julie heard over the web cam. “Suck that young dick. Suck it! Suck it!”

“Suck it! Suck my cock!” James added dramatically.

Julie took him in her mouth. Her sexy lips surrounded the tip. She slurped and sucked her nephew’s cock. James grabbed the back of her head and thrust repeatedly.

“That’s it. Face fuck her!” The client shouted. “Suck that cock slut. Suck it. Suck it! Eat that cum!”

James was going to shoot his semen. Julie’s lips could feel it swell. The first spirt filled her mouth. She pulled it out and let the next spurt drench her face before pointing his cock to her nipples.

“That’s it baby! Eat that cum!” The client cheered. “Suck it all up auntie. Swallow that cum!”

Julie did exactly that. She put his cock in her mouth and sucked in more of the oozing cum.

“Mmmmmmm, oh fuck, Mmmmm,” James moaned. “Suck it. Your are so fucking good. Suck it.”

“Now fuck her!” The voice commanded. “Fuck your horny aunt. Fuck her. Stick your cock in that pussy! Fuck her! Fuck her!”

James pulled his cock from his aunt’s mouth and pushed her back on the bed. Julie spread her legs, inviting her nephew into her hot cunt. James mounted her. His stiff cock slid into aunt Julie’s wanton pussy and fucked hard.

“Yes! Yes! Fuck her. Fuck her hard!” The client cheered. “Make her cum! Fuck that pussy! Make her cum. Fill her cunt up!”

Julie had no trouble having an orgasm. The entire taboo webcam voyeur, nephew-fucking experience had her on the edge. The next thrust set her off. The orgasm ran through her entire body. Her body tightened and convulsed repeatedly.

“Ohhh! Ohhh! Ohh god, YES, Yes Yes!” Julie screamed as she orgasmed. “That’s it baby! Oh fuck, fuck, Mmmmm fuck!”

James pulled out and got off his aunt. He looked at the webcam screen and could see the client masturbating with his eyes rolled back in orgasm. He took the camera and put it on the bed between his aunt’s legs. The cum slowly oozed out of her swollen, now satisfied, slit.

“Eat that pussy,” The client shouted. “Eat your aunt’s pussy!”

James didn’t listen. He opened the door and walked out of the bedroom.

“Don’t tell your mother.” Julie yelled for the web cam, pretending to talk to James. “What would my sister do if she knew I was fucking her boy?”

Julie then moved her face close to the camera and said, “Well I hope that was enough for you, because it was more than enough for me. I’m going to have to take a shower. “

Yes, yes, yes that was really great.” Her client said. “I’m gonna have to clean myself up too. That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”

“I’m glad I was able to help you out.” Julie said to her client. “If you leave a decent tip, we could probably do this again soon since my nephew is around for a few more days.”

“I’ll send you a message soon.” The client said.

That ended the webcam show. As James dressed, he was feeling satisfied, fulfilled, and a bit dirty. His mind flashed over the vision of his aunt’s sexy body and her talent for making him cum. It was going to be enjoyable living in Orlando and visiting his aunt more often.