
Sex Toys Story - Using Sex Toys

Carol had enjoyed a long lie-in. She never slept well when her husband Jeff was away on business, and after a restless night, she had decided to stay in bed late in the morning. Then, naked, she got up, slipped on her dressing gown, and popped downstairs to eat a piece of toast and to make a cup of coffee before returning to the bedroom to decide upon what she was going to wear.

Opening the double doors on her clothes closet, it revealed hangers and shelves crammed with handbags, all of her clothes and on the floor, boxes, and boxes full of shoes.

"It was no good." She decided, "It was time to have a good clear out!"

Finishing her coffee, she went into the bathroom to wash and shower before returning naked into the bedroom to find some old clothes to wear while she did the clearing out. She caught sight of herself in the longwall mirror and took a few moments to follow the lines of her long legs, to turn and study her firm round buttocks. Six years of marriage, and she still looked good.

For the first few years, they had struggled for money, and so she and Jeff had quite sensibly decided that they would not have children until they felt that they could afford it. Now they were not too badly off, but the subject of having a baby had not occurred as Jeff was so often away from home, traveling around the country to try and drum up business for his packaging firm.

Facing the mirror again, she enjoyed the beauty of her shaved pubic mound, which lay at the base of her flat tummy whilst her large, but firm 34DD breasts hung down proudly from her chest. All this was topped off, if she did say so herself, by a pretty face, covered in long wavy black hair.

Deciding that clearing out the closet was going to be warm work, she slipped on just a pair of panties and a t-shirt before going downstairs to the kitchen for a roll of black plastic sacks to put in any unwanted items ready to be taken to the local charity shop. First of all, to give herself some room, she cleared all the boxes on the floor of the closet. Then she started on the shelves, taking down and looking at each bag, T-shirt, jumper, or piece of lingerie to see if she still liked it, if it was still in fashion or if it could be disposed of.

Once the shelves had been sorted and tidied, she began to go through the multitude of blouses, skirts, jeans, trousers, and dresses that hung on their hangers on the hanger rail. With several of the black plastic bags full and the hanger rail tidied to her satisfaction, Carol decided to take the full sacks down for storage in the garage and to have a break for some late lunch before returning to go through the contents of the shoeboxes. It was, therefore, mid to late afternoon when she returned to begin the sorting out of her shoes. Soon boxes had been returned into the closet or had been placed with their contents into one of the plastic sacks.

Finally, just one box remained. This was much larger than the others, and she had presumed that it contained a pair of old knee-length boots. She was wrong! For when she pulled aside the covering tissue paper, it revealed the cardboard box had been divided into one large and two smaller sections. Picking up the box and taking it and placing it on the bed, she sat down and emptied the contents of one of the smaller sections.

Onto the bed cover, she emptied several small plastic bags that had been used to protect and to keep clean tubes of organic lubricants, plastic, and rubber cock rings, latex sleeves, and finally, a red male power thong. Carol ran her fingers over the items, remembering how, in the first year of their marriage, she and Jeff had enjoyed dressing up and experimenting with sex toys. However, as the years had gone by, sex had become more of a routine exercise, and lately, with Jeff regularly away on business, it had rarely taken place. She had rightly or wrongly presumed that he had thrown all these items away, but instead, here they all were in this box that he had discreetly stored amongst the other boxes on the floor of her closet.

Feeling a little excited, she removed the top layer of tissue paper in the largest section to reveal, still in their packaging, a red unwrap Me Teddy, a crotchless catsuit, a turquoise baby doll with G string, a black peephole bra, a black lace crotchless V thong, a number of different colored G strings, and finally a carefully folded black open bust corset. Having looked at the sexy clothes she had taken out, she began to slowly and carefully repack them into their section of the box. All that is except the corset!

Feeling the urge to see what she would look like in it, she stood up and removed her T-shirt. Unhooking the front buckle and the metal eye and hooks at the front and loosening the back ties of the corset, she then fitted it around her body. Carefully doing up the front and tightening the rear ties, she looked into the mirror and saw that she created a dramatic figure with her womanly curves and large breasts exposed over the cupless corset edge. Slipping off the panties she had been working in, she was about to look in the box for the matching G-string that she knew went with the corset when in the third section, she spotted in their individual bags several dildos that had once given her so much pleasure.

Selecting a vibrator, she went downstairs where she knew there was a pack of new batteries and once she had fetched them and put them into the dildo, she took great pleasure in turning it on and, standing in front of the mirror, rubbing it all over and between her breasts watching her brown nipples become fully aroused. Feeling that her pussy was becoming quite wet, she went into the bathroom to fetch two large towels for her to protect the duvet cover on the bed. Sitting on the towels, she once again delved into the box and came out holding a bag containing a big boy butt plug.

Now feeling very excited, and with her pussy glistening with juices, this was a temptation too far! Unscrewing the top off the tube of lube, she covered the butt plug with a generous amount before easing it carefully into the tight hole of her bottom. The feel of her arse being filled caused her to gasp as three inches of butt plug pushed in against the high concentration of nerve endings between her cheeks. The gorgeous feeling in her arse forced her to push out her vagina, causing the lips to part and her clitoris to swell up. Now almost gasping for breath, she used the lube again on the large dildo, sat back, and played the tip of it over her swollen clit. The effect was too much, and from deep within her, there came a rush of hot steaming juices that, with a cry of ecstasy, she spurted all over her lower abdomen and thighs.

Now she only wanted to feel that choice dildo deep inside. Without turning on the motor, she gently eased the tip of it into her pussy and then worked it all the way into her vagina until her cunt was filled up. Thrilled at the feel of the two hard rods buried inside her, she then turned on the vibrator. The feel of the vibrations inside her was almost too much to bear, but feeling the need, she turned up the vibrators speed, just as the telephone beside the bed began to ring!

It was Jeff to say that he had stopped for petrol about 45 minutes away. He had not eaten all day and suggested that when he arrived home, they should go out to the local restaurant for a meal. Carol said that it was a great idea, and she promised that she would be dressed ready to go out the instant that he arrived. Then he asked her if she could hear a vibrator buzzing noise to which she told him that it must be a bad connection!

Struggling to replace the handset back on to its base, her head was spinning with the need to get ready to go out and also to spray her juices over that gorgeous vibrating dildo inside her. Suddenly the dam burst, and with a massive exhale of breath, accompanied by a loud shout, a great spurt of golden, steaming liquid shot out for the second time from her pussy and splashed down on to the towels that covered the bed. After the euphoria of her second cumming, Carol struggled to remove both the dildo and the butt plug. Gathering up the wet towels and the two sex toys she had used, she went into the bathroom to have a quick shower, to put the wet towels in the clothes bin, and to thoroughly wash and dry the toys.

Sitting naked back on the bed, she began to repack the box with his and her sex toys. She paused for a moment and wondered why Jeff had kept them and stored the box, without telling her, in her closet. Then she realized that maybe he was hoping that she would discover the contents of the box and reawaken the exciting sex life that had vanished over the past few years. Well, she decided, he was about to have his wish come true!

Before putting back the black corset that she had been wearing, Carol searched carefully in the larger section and took out the black lace crotchless V thong and the matching peephole bra. Taking out one further item, she then replaced the lid and carefully put the box on the floor at the back of the closet. She then selected a white silk blouse and a very short red plaid mini skirt from their hangers in the closet and laid them alongside the bra and thong on the bed. In the bathroom, she laid out the item that she had taken out of the box, cleaned her teeth, and then brushed her hair. Spraying a delicate perfume behind her knees and around the more intimate parts of her body, she then took a brown blusher and applied it to the areolas and nipples of her breasts. After applying just a hint of brown lipstick to her lips, Carol returned to the bedroom to quickly dress, as time was getting short, and Jeff would soon be arriving.

After delving back in the closet for a suitable pair of high heeled shoes to wear, she finally stood in front of the mirror to look at the vision that she had created. It was quite breathtaking! The short mini skirt barely covered the cheeks of her bottom, which only emphasized the beauty of her long legs. She had only tied one middle button of the blouse so that when she moved, it revealed her flat stomach and deep cleavage. Beneath the silk blouse, the outline of her underwear could be seen, as could her engorged painted nipples pushing through the peepholes of the bra. When she lifted the hem of the skirt, she had a vision of bare cheeks, and a naked wet vagina glistened through the peephole of the thong. Just as she was placing the final bin bag of discarded shoes downstairs with the others in the garage, she heard Jeff's car pull up outside.

Picking up a short coat that hung on a peg in the cloakroom, Carol went out and closed the front door behind her. Slowly she sashayed down the drive to his car, conscious all of the time that Jeff, who was holding the passenger door open, was staring open-mouthed at her. Walking straight to him, Carol put her arm around his neck and gave him a long, deep kiss. Then holding the coat over her lower abdomen, she sat down on the seat and swung her legs round into the car. Jeff still stood holding the door, looking at the vision of loveliness that was his wife.

"Are you all right, dear? Do you want me to drive?" she asked.

"No, I'm fine," he finally stammered out, carefully closing the door and hurrying around to the driver's side of the car.

Once he had eventually got the car started and they were on their way, Jeff told her that he had booked a table at their favorite steak house only a mile or two from their home. Upon arrival at the restaurant, the waiter showed them to their table in a corner booth. Following his lead, Carol was oblivious to the reaction of the other diners to the state of her undress while Jeff, following his wife to their table, could not take his eyes off his wife's short pleated mini dress as it swished from side to side as she walked in front of him.

Conscious of the growing bulge in the front of his pants, he hurriedly removed his suit jacket and carried it over his arm to hide his impressive hard-on. Once their drinks and menu choices had been ordered, Carol asked Jeff to tell her all that he had been doing on his business trip. Sitting close together, side by side, with Carol stroking his upper thigh and his eyes being drawn to the shortness of her skirt, her cleavage, and the hard brown nipples pushing against the silk of her blouse, Jeff found it very difficult to concentrate his mind on what he had been doing the previous day never mind the week!

Finally, by the time their ordered meals were placed on the table before them, he had informed her that the trip had been a huge success, contracts had been signed, and his business now had a full order book. Both of them were hungry and were staring down at their empty plates when Jeff turned and asked Carol what she had been doing whilst he had been away. Leaning closer to him, she offered her lips to be kissed before telling him that she had been clearing out her closet when she had found the box of delights that he had hidden.

Slightly embarrassed, he asked her if she had looked at all of the contents. "Of course," she whispered in reply, steering his hand to the wet peephole in her thong, "When you telephoned this afternoon, I had a big boy butt up against my arse, and the buzzing noise you heard was my blue Mambo vibrator deep in my cunt." With his fingers feeling the wetness of Carol's vagina, Jeff suddenly leaned forward over the table. "God!' he explained, "My cock has just gone, ballistic!" Taking a few minutes for him to calm down, they attracted the attention of their waitress, and after informing her that they did not want any desserts or coffee, Jeff settled the bill before both of them made very careful exits from the booth and out of the restaurant to the car.

Back home, after a very deep lingering kiss, Carol ordered Jeff to have a shower and told him that he was to put on the garment that she had left for him in the bathroom. She then removed her bra and thong, and in just her blouse and mini skirt, she picked up and placed the bedroom chair in front of the mirror. Then opening her closet door, she took out the box of delights and placed it on the bed. Removing the lid, she looked in the section that contained her sex toys and took out the seven-inch glass dildo.

Leaving the box open, she just had time to sit on the chair when the bathroom door opened and into the bedroom walked a freshly showered Jeff. When he was one step away from her, she told him to stop, and as he did so, she looked longingly all over his tall, lean muscular body. Finally, her eyes settled on his groin, where his long, thick cock was hidden away in the red power bong thong that she had taken out of the box and left in the bathroom. Leaning forward, she ran her hand over the front of the soft material feeling the growing stiffness of his penis beneath. He made to hold her, but she pushed him away and told him to stand there and watch.

Undoing the one-button, she slipped off her blouse, and then, after sitting down on the chair, she began to slowly massage her large breasts. With one hand squeezing and rubbing her nipples, she lifted up the hem of her tiny mini skirt and holding the ball as a handle; she slowly inserted the smooth, slippery dildo into her wet pussy. Placing her feet on the chair and opening wide her legs, she gave Jeff a perfect view as she slowly worked it and out of her moist cave.

The vision of her masturbating her pussy and the sight of the glass dildo becoming smeared with her glistening sweet juices, that were also beginning to run down the inside of her thighs, just blew away her husbands mind. Unable to touch the beautiful body in front of him and with a cock desperate to be released from the confines of the red pouch, he suddenly took off his thong. His purple-headed cock sprang out, and as he continued to watch the actions of his wife manipulating the dildo in her pussy he began to slowly rub his hand up and down the shaft of his stiff cock.

Carol, seeing his reaction to her masturbating, looked him directly in the eyes as she slowly withdrew the dildo from her soaking wet cave and lifted it up to show him the glass shaft glistening with her love juices. Then she inserted it in her mouth, and as he watched and played with his cock, she slowly and skillfully licked the dildo dry. Standing up, she then stepped over to him and, looking deep into his eyes, pushed her tongue into his mouth and gave him a long kiss so that he too could enjoy the taste of her pussy.

Disengaging from his lips, she once again told him to remain quiet still and walked around him to the open box on the bed. From it, she took out a blue anal plug and, after liberally covering it with lube, stood behind him and told him to bend over. As he did as he was told, she put a hand on one of the cheeks on his bottom and slowly inserted the butt into his arse. The result, when he stood up, was quite spectacular! With the butt hard against his scrotum, his cock had thickened and now stood upright like a rigid pole. Taking his magnificent manhood in one hand, Carol kissed him again and then took her tongue and breasts on a journey down his body.

Down over his upper chest, there were his pink nipples to suck. Her tongue then followed the path of her breasts as they brushed down over his skin and into his navel. Then the made the delightful journey taking her wet tongue over his lower abdomen. Steering his stiff cock between her breasts, she rubbed her nipples over his shaven groin before taking her tongue to his full hanging balls. Squatting down but still holding the rigid cock in one hand, she licked around the sack of each ball before taking each one individually into her mouth to suck. Then slowly, she took her tongue up the thickly veined shaft before licking around the base of the bulging purple head. On then to the silky skin at the head of his cock, taking her tongue on a journey round and round the hole, thrilling to the taste of his leaking pre-cum. Removing her hand from the shaft, she began to squeeze his balls whilst, at the same time, pushing her tongue into the hole at the tip of his penis. Hearing her husband groaning, she glanced a look in the mirror to see that Jeff had his eyes closed and was in a state of pure ecstasy.

Wanting to taste more of his cock she eased its purple head into her mouth, enjoying the feel of its soft silky skin on her lips and tongue. His hands were on her shoulders but quickly moved to the top of her head as she began to ease the thick, long staff into her mouth and down deep into her throat. Now she began to move her head up and down, and with her saliva running down the shaft of his cock she used her mouth, tongue, and throat muscles to bring him to a huge climax. With a loud cry, he spurted his cum hard, deep into her mouth and down her throat. The first amount she swallowed but the following spurts she kept in her mouth as she slid it off his cock.

Stepping back from her groaning sweat browed husband, she put her hands beneath her breasts and dribbled the mouthful of cum down her magnificent chest. Then with gentle fingers, she began to rub his cream into her skin so that soon both breasts were soaking wet. Some of his cream had run down and hung on the tip of her breasts, and he looked on in total surprise as she lifted each one to her mouth and hungrily sucked the cum from her areolas and nipples. Her actions produced the reward that she was after!

Stating that it was now his turn, he went over to the box and retrieved the tube of lube and the big boy butt plug. He knew that she loved the feeling of this toy, so he smothered it with lube and guided her arse hole on to it as he sat her back down on the chair. Kneeling before her, he removed her tiny mini skirt, lifted both of her legs over his shoulders, and leaned over to give her a deep kiss on her lips.

Then, to her joy, he began licking his way down her chest to each breast, where he spent some time licking and enjoying the smell and vague taste of his own cum. Then she watched as he trailed his tongue down her steep cleavage and to her belly button where he found and lapped up a small pool of cum that she had missed. Both of them could now smell the honey juices that were seeping out of her pussy, and as he leaned back to admire her pushed out vagina, she teased him even more by playing with and then sucking her tits.

His head went back to her love mound, and she could feel him slowly trail his tongue up and down each side of her swollen clit. Then, with his fingers, he gently parted and peeled back the entrance to her cave before taking his hungry tongue and mouth down to lick and suck on her swollen pink clit. This was almost too much for her to bear as groaning with delight, she removed her hands from massaging her breasts to pulling his head into her wet crotch.

He then inserted two and then three fingers into her aching pussy and begin to move them n and then out of her slopping wet cave whilst his mouth and teeth were teasing her clit. Suddenly she shuddered, and with a shout and a thrust of her hips, she let go, spurting her honey-colored love juices into his mouth and splashing it down over his chest and legs. Looking into the mirror, she could see his face covered in her golden, steaming honey flow with his mouth still licking and eating her gushing pussy.

Finally, after licking up the last drops, he leaned over and helped her to lower her legs from over his shoulders. Then, bending over, he kissed each of her breasts before deep kissing her on the lips so that she could both taste and smell the sweet honey juice that he had sucked and teased out of her pussy. After a brief hug, Carol ordered him to the bathroom to shower again while she did some clearing up. When he was finished, she took her turn in the bathroom, and after putting her discarded clothes into the wash bin, she had her shower.

Wrapping a towel around her middle, she walked back into the bedroom to see Jeff sitting on the edge of the bed, wearing just a towel around his waist, replacing the lid on the box. Taking the box from him, she put it away on a shelf in her closet before sitting down beside him on the bed. Putting his arm around her, he apologized for being away so often in recent months, but with the new orders, things would change. Perhaps tomorrow, he suggested, they could go on the web and order some new items for the box?

Carol said that she had a much better idea and stood up off the bed and sat down on his lap. "I think it is time that we made a baby," she said. "We have a beautiful home; you told me that the business has a full order book, and I know that we will make great parents." "Wow!" he exclaimed, smiling. "I cannot believe the day I have had! I drive home ecstatic about the business to have my mind blown away by the vision of my beautiful wife dressed as a gorgeous sex kitten. She then creates a huge stir in the restaurant and in my pants before coming home to suck my cock dry and surprise me by sucking her own nipples. She then sprays her honey, tasting love juices all over my face, and finally, while sitting half-naked on my lap, she wants my cock to make a baby! Could my day get any better?"

With that, he put his arms around her and kissed away the worried look on her face. "I heartily agree," he said. "But what happens if and when you became pregnant, our lovemaking will have to stop!" "That is not so!" she answered, "I have read that, as long as we are careful, we can enjoy each other's bodies right up to the birth of the baby." She then went on to tell him that they should regard the baby within the womb as if it was a fruit pie that needed a regular spray of cream to keep it fresh and good enough for serving. "But then, of course, we have to make the pie first!" she added, looking up at him and smiling. "Oh, that's ok then!" he said, with a broad smile, "When do you suggest we start?"

She kissed him deeply, and both of them felt his cock begin to stir between them beneath his towel. Getting up from his lap, she removed her towel, pulled him to his feet, and undid the towel around his waist. Now they could both see and feel his rampant cock between them. "It looks and feels ready for action to me," she said, putting both her arms around him so as to feel his stiff shaft against her tummy. Releasing her arms, she bent down and kissed the tip of his cock, then, reaching around, she took one of the pillows from off the top of the bed and placed it on the edge of the mattress where they were standing. Then she sat down on the pillow, and then, with her legs widely spread, she lay back on the bed in a position of complete surrender.

She had never put her body in such a vulnerable position before, but she had this great internal ache that wanted him to take her there and then. She watched as he stared longingly at her body before carefully and slowly kneeling between her legs. She felt his tongue as he gently circled the petal lips of her pussy and then licked up and down her clit, awakening the juices in her cave. Then standing up, he leaned forward, and she watched as he positioned his cock so that its purple head was just touching the mouth of her slit. Placing his stretched arms either side of her body, he was watching her face as her facial expression changed from longing to ecstasy as she felt his delicious, thick long cock entering and filling the length of her shaft.

When he stopped as he thought that he could not go further, Carol lifted up her legs and wrapped them around his lower back. This opened her pussy wider and pushed his cock in further so that she could feel his tight balls resting on the cheeks of her bottom. Now with her shaft full to the brim, she smiled, lifted her head to be kissed, and then lay back to begin squeezing the length of his gorgeous cock with her cunt muscles. Slowly, at first, he then began to move his cock in and out, a little more each time until he was withdrawing and then filling half of her shaft with each stroke. She then moved her legs, and when he withdrew his cock from the depths of her deep cave, she used her heels to drive his cock back in. Gradually the rhythm got faster as his strokes got longer, and soon she was aware that their lovemaking was becoming louder as each long stroke was accompanied by the swish of her love juices as she lubricated his cock.

Suddenly she felt his balls and the base of his shaft filling, and as she looked up at his perspiring face, he stammered out that he had a package to deliver! "Really darling, what is in it?" she asked through a haze of pure euphoria. "Lots of hot, thick, sticky cream, he replied as he struggled to hold back the tidal flow that was beginning to rush up his cock, "Where would you like it delivered?" "Deep, deep inside my cunt," she panted, "I want my pussy to feel and to gobble up all of your cream!" Then, just as he called out that he was coming, she pushed down hard, with her heels on his bottom, to push his cock right up to the top of her shaft.

As she pushed, so she felt a wonderful warmth flow up from the base of his cock and the exquisite feeling of her cunt being hosed down by his thick, creamy cum. To her joy, he continued to pump his cock inside her until, with a sudden gasp and a thrust of her hips, she drowned his still spurting cock with a hot, steaming, fountain of her own.

With a loud moan, he collapsed into her arms and intertwined, they began to doze in each other's arms. As her heavy eyelids began to close, Carol thought back to the beginning of the day when she had made the spur of the moment decision to clear out her closet. What a wonderful discovery the box of delights had been!